Selasa, 08 Oktober 2013



Kata yang membuatku gugup jika mengingat sosoknya…
Apakah kamu juga merasakan hal yang sama?
Waktu mungkin selalu bergulir,
tapi, undangan itu masih sama,
undangan manis dalam reuni terindah…

Semuanya berawal dari reuni itu…
Perasaan yang telah hilang jauh terkubur dalam-dalam, akhirnya muncul kembali ke permukaan.

Ya, benar…
Semuanya berawal dari reuni itu, akhirnya kami dapat berjumpa kembali dalam lingkungan yang tak asing lagi.

Seperti sebelumnya kami telah akrab, tapi itu bertahun-tahun silam…
Dan ketika kami bertemu kembali, mata dengan mata, dia menawarkan jabatan tangan, kami berbicara beberapa hal, dan kami sangat akrab, kami pun tertawa bersama mengenang yang pernah ada.

Dia tak banyak berubah, hanya postur tubuhnya bertambah jangkung dan badannya yang kekar, dia masih seperti yang dulu, berkulit putih bersih, alis yang tebal, mata yang indah, bibirnya merah merona, hidung yang mancung, dan tentunya masih baik dan sopan, dan seperti biasanya rapi dan cool.

Selama ini, tak pernah terpikirkan dapat bertemu lagi dan bercerita tentang hal-hal lama.

Ya, semuanya berawal dari reuni itu.


Mungkin semua ini harus terjadi, ya benar…

Ketika menginjak bangku SMA, saya meninggalkan semua kenangan dan masa-masa SMP saya. Dan, saya bertemu dengan orang-orang yang lebih baik lagi waktu menginjak bangku SMA, namanya, orangnya, cirri-cirinya, dan tentunya kenangan yang tertorehkan masih teringat jelas sampai saat kalian membaca tulisan ini.
Laura, Andri, Ikhe, Isna, Ruben, Marni, Desi, Andre, Dion, Chandra, Apry, Tiara, Milka, Nina, Becak, Eta, Abraham, Dea, Norman.

Begitu banyak hal-hal baru yang kami lewati bersama selama kurang lebih tiga tahun ini :’) tiga tahun kami bersama, tiga tahun kami saling mengenal baik, tiga tahun kami berbagi canda dan tawa, tiga tahun kami berbagi kisah dan kasih yang awalnya kami hanya bertatapan muka tapi akhirnya kami saling mengenal keluarga satu sama lain, kami dapat mengetahui rumah masing-masing, dan kami juga pernah tertawa dan menangis bersama. Saya sangat mengucap syukur kepada Tuhan, jika saya mengingat semua ini, yang dari awalnya saya tidak mengenal siapapun tapi akhirnya saya dapat mengenal semuanya tanpa terkecuali.

tiga tahun itu telah berakhir…

Sekarang, kami sudah tidak berpredikat sebagai murid SMA lagi…
Sekarang, kami telah tercerai-berai…
Ada yang disana, ada yang disini,
cita-cita kami yang akhirnya memisahkan kami.
Sekarang, kami berjuang sendiri-sendiri…

Rasanya ini sangat sulit…
Dulunya, kami berjuang bersama-sama, saling menopang, saling membantu, saling menguatkan, tetapi waktu betul-betul telah mengubah segalanya.

Kini, kami telah berbeda Universitas. Dan tentunya, lebih banyak lagi teman baru yang menanti diluar sana. Rasanya sangat sulit berinteraksi dengan mereka karena saya masih “still stuck in the moment” waktu SMA. Tapi, mau tidak mau, siap tidak siap LIFE STARTS HERE!

Saya akan mempunyai teman baru, dan saya berharap teman baru itu seperti teman saya ketika SMA, yang bisa mengerti saya sepenuhnya. Ya Tuhan, kedalam tanganMu ku serahkan masa depanku. Berkatilah aku, dan semua teman-temanku baik yang namanya ku tuliskan tadi, maupun yang tidak sempat tertulis, sehingga nanti kami dapat bertemu kembali setelah meraih sukses masing-masing.

Panas, dingin, susah, senang, telah kita lewati bersama.
Kalian yang paling membekas, karena bersama kalianlah saya tumbuh dewasa J terima kasih teman-teman untuk semuanya, biarlah Tuhan yang membalaskan rasa terima kasihku untukmu.


                 Pria bernama lengkap Choi Siwon ini merupakan seorang aktor dan penyanyi group boyband Super Junior asal Korea Selatan. Siwon adalah salah satu dari empat artis Korea pertama yang muncul di perangko Cina. Dilahirkan di sebuah keluarga Protestan yang taat di Korea. Keluarganya memiliki salah satu jaringan supermarket terbesar di Seoul, juga perusahaan di Jepang. (*dengan kata lain, Siwon adalah anak pengusaha yang kaya raya). Ingin tahu apa saja fakta menarik tentang pria tampan satu ini? yuk langsung aja dibaca.

Fakta Siwon
  • Siwon mengikuti audisi SM Entertainment pada tahun 2003, saat usianya 16 tahun
  • Awalnya ayah Siwon tidak setuju kalau Siwon berkarir di dunia hiburan
  • Siwon mulai mengambil privat menyanyi, menari dan akting, setelah dia mendengar tentang SM Entertainment
  • Hobi Siwon adalah menyanyi, menari, menonton film, taekwondo, dan bermain drum
  • Siwon menguasai bahasa Korea, Inggris, dan Mandarin
  • Tipe wanita ideal Siwon adalah wanita yang memiliki mata yang indah (*berwarna hijau), dan berkeyakinan yang sama
  • Siwon adalah member Super Junior yang paling tampan (*menurut para penggemar dan member Suju lainnya)
  • Siwon sangat jago taekwondo, memegang sabuk hitam
  • Siwon sebenarnya lahir pada tahun 1986, tapi orangtuanya mendaftarkan namanya pada tahun 1987
  • Saat membintangi drama Oh! My Lady, yang berperan sebagai putrinya Siwon, memang memanggil ayah padanya (*LOL)
  • Sangat dekat dengan Choi Soo Young Girls’ Generation, karena memiliki kesamaan nama dan ulang tahun yang sama. mereka sering dianggap sebagai sepasang kekasih
  • Badan Siwon yang sangat atletis sangat pas seperti penjaga pantai menurut produsen drama Poseidon (*LOL)
  • Siwon merupakan orang yang cukup disegani di Korea (*tampan, kaya, pintar, terkenal. wajar aja kan)
  • Saat mengadakan konferensi pers di Seoul SS4, Leeteuk berkata “8 dari 10 bungan disini adalah untuk Siwon” lalu Shindong dan Kyuhyun menambahkan “sepertinya ini adalah konser Siwon sendiri, bukan konser Super Junior” (*LOL)
  • Siwon adalah selebriti Korea pertama yang melampaui 1 juta followers di Twitter, dan semakin lama semakin bertambah bahkan tiap per jamnya
  • Account Twitter Siwon dibuat pada 23 Maret 2010
  • Siwon tergabung kedalam Super Junior dan Super Junior M
  • Siwon adalah Image dari Super Junior (*dengan kata lain, Siwon adalah maskot nya)
Profil Siwon 
Nama : Siwon
Nama Asli : Choi Si Won
Posisi di group : Vokalis
Tanggal Lahir : 7 April 1986 (*menurut catatan sipil = 10 Februari 1987)
Tempat Lahir : Seoul, Korea Selatan
Tinggi : 183 cm
Berat : 65 kg
Golongan Darah : B
Zodiak : Aries
Pendidikan : Dae Hyun Institute, Inha University
Agensi : SM Entertainment
Twitter :

Serial TV/Film
  • Extravagant Challenge (GTV, 2011)
  • Poseidon (KBS, 2011)
  • Athena (KBS, 2010)
  • Oh! My Lady (SBS, 2010)
  • Stage of Youth (CCTV2, 2009 - Guest Star, Episode 12)
  • Legend Of Hyang Dan (MBC, 2007)
  • Spring Waltz (KBS, 2006)
  • 18 vs. 29 (KBS, 2005)
  • Precious Family (KBS2, 2004)
  • Parent's Approval (KBS)
  • Charnel Boy (KBS)
  • Attack on the Pin Up Boys (2007)
  • Battle of Wits (2006)
  • Charamel Boy (2005)


Pernahkah kau berfikir bagaimana rasanya jika HARUS melupakan seseorang dimasa lalumu yg telah memberimu banyak arti hidup? Suka, dan duka.
Kau diharuskan untuk melupakannya, dan berjalan terus kedepan menggapai apa yg belum kau raih.
Dan kata-kata yg paling sering orang-orang katakan kepadamu, "Lupakan saja masa lalumu itu, didepan masih banyak lagi yg lebih baik" :")
Itu rasanya susah.
Setelah apa yg kalian lewati bersama, tetapi banyak yg menentang hubungan kalian dan harus terpisahkan.
Dan lagi menjadi kisah cinta yg berakhir ditengah jalan?
Rasanya saya tidak mungkin bisa melakukan itu.
Saya tidak mungkin bisa melupakan seseorang yg benar-benar saya cintai.
Saya tidak mungkin bisa menghindar dari kehidupannya.
Saya tidak mungkin bisa melupakan wajahnya dan semua sikap dan tingkah bodohnya.
Kalaupun saya dipaksa dan harus pula meninggalkan kota tempat kami bertemu, tapi itu akan selalu menjadi kisah terindah didalam hidup saya.
Saya percaya jikalau kami memang jodoh, biarlah waktu yg akan menjawab semuanya.

Apakah kami dapat bersama kembali?
Justru berpisah selamanya..

Tapi saya harap TUHAN masih memberikan kesempatan kepada kami berdua.
Yah, kesempatan.
Kesempatan untuk bertemu KEMBALI misalnya.
Karna saya percaya, selama saya dan dia masih berpijarpada bumi yang sama.
Selama saya dan dia masih berada dibawah kolong langit yang sama.
Selama saya dan dia masih hidup dikota dan propinsi yang sama.
PASTI kami akan bertemu kembali.
Saya hanya menunggu saat itu tiba. :")



Inilah dia 10 Pria Tertampan :






7). L
8). KAKA

FIRST LOVE : A Crazy Little Thing Called Love

From :


The film is centered on plain-looking, dark-skinned school girl named Nam who is secretly in love with older grade 10 guy name Shone (or Chon). A popular student in high school, Shone is the son of a former football athlete and also shows skills in the sport. This makes a lot of the girls in school go crazy over him, including Nam. However, Nam is well aware that she is not the prettiest of the bunch, but she doesn’t give up easily. With help from her close girl friends, Nam tries everything to make herself more beautiful and outstanding in school – hoping that Shone would like her someday.

I would say, this movie is my first Thai movie. How I discovered it? Well, Thanks to Tumblr and this screen capture:

Seriously Tumblr, you are ruining my life for letting me discover all these wonderful stuff around the world! Anyway, I thought the girl was Angel Locsin. And then I read the notes and was surprised that its not even a Filipino film but it’s popular in the Philippines! This really increased my curiosity and I just have to watch it!
And through the magic of google, I found a link and found myself watching the movie. YAY! You can watch the trailer with subs here, too!

I’d say it right now, this movie is just any other movie out there. It’s composed of a lot of cliche’s you’ve already seen. But then again, this movie is based from a true story of everyone else. Yes, this is a movie about you, and you and you.
I think what captured everybody’s interest to watch this movie is its unfailing power to relate the story with everybody’s own experience. It was as if bringing you back to that bittersweet moment of loving somebody. Getting heartbroken and moving on. It’s so pure and realistic that I won’t even argue its popularity across the globe. In fact, I am encouraging you to watch it!
The movie starts off with a glimpse of the future and then the director brought us back to the past where he introduced four adorable girls.

Probably like your friends back in Middle School/Highschool, you may have looked just like these four. They dream of this special boy as they go everyday dealing with school, bullying and discrimination. Still, the four managed to have fun and enjoy each other’s company as they pursue their love of their lives. It’s nice how supportive they are when it comes to Nam, the lead girl.
In order for a guy like  P’shone…

…to love a girl like P’Nam…

It seemed impossible. But a girl can dream…

That someday….

Nam didn’t falter. She did everything she could do to get close to P’Shone. It was adorable and at the same time admirable. She worked hard. And through the course of three years, we get to see just how much she changed.
She studied hard to be on the top. She even participated in a stage play.

This is our first glimpse of her gradual transformation. It was such a funny and heartfelt scene in the whole movie. I really like how they never really overdid it. If anything, it was quite realistic. Funny, but realistic.

I swear to God… I felt like I was Nam in the movie! With P’Shone playing as my prince! Kyahness!!!! His beauty is so BEAUTIFUL!
Anyway, on the following year, we saw her change yet again.

She became a Drum Major.

And oh my goodness, this is the part where I am completely… AS IN COMPLETELY CONVINCED, that this gurl is just so full of win! That’s it! She is my new girl crush! HAHA! Baifern Pimchanok, Y U SO PWEETY??? LOL!

Of course, having that beauty captured many hearts of men. Including P’Shone’s bestfriend. I didn’t even bother remembering his name because he freakin’ annoyed me to death! But at least unlike P’Shone, he’s got the guts to be upfront with his feelings for P’Nam.
This is the hateful guy

And when this scene happened during Valentine’s Day…

OMIGOD! It was so heartbreaking kyahness at the same time… Y Y Y Y???? I don’t understand why…??!?!?! The following scenes were even more heartbreaking. The disappointments Nam had to go though was so realistic! Her expression would really bring back a distant past of your own disappointments while watching. I, can very well relate to it. It was Christmas. Excited and young and……………… HAHA, heartbroken. I remember I spent the whole Christmas wallowing over my heartbreak, crying and going crazy. LOL!
Anyway, soon after, things weren’t easy for the two main characters…

The timing was so off for the both of them…

And when Nam finally got the courage to profess her love for P’Shone, This happened:

I wanted to put a picture of the whole thing but it was so heartbreaking that OMIGOD… I just don’t know anymore… I didn’t really cry in this particular scene (surprisingly!) but I had this unexplainable heartache for Nam’s part (along with all those people who were in love). When she mustered all her courage to finally face P’Shone, expecting for a happy ending and then discovering that he’s already committed to somebody…
Oh my gawd… How Nam choked her words of encouragement for the both of them… It was so difficult to watch… I wonder what kind of stuff were happening inside of her head. It was so overwhelming… And most especially, painful. It was so sorrowful…

It will tear you apart. Maybe it’s not watching Nam and P’Shone anymore… But seeing your own distant past through them….
And you wonder, when will your time finally cross…

Omigod… That scene was too much…
But it’s even more depressing that the two wanted to be together but they just won’t meet. There were so many obstacles and reservations between the two of them… For the whole time, we were looking through Nam’s journey, loving P’Shone. But at the end, It sadden me to an extent that I just want to throw my computer against the floor.

Because P’Shone loved her. He loved her with all his heart but he couldn’t even tell it to Nam because he promised his bestfriend not to fall in love with Nam. Guess what, buddy, he’s been in love with her this whole time… *halupasay*
And then they separated. Both not completely moving on. The whole movie was bittersweet in its entirety. You will cringe at every scene where you can truly relate. possibly, to all those ordeals Nam had to go through. From an ugly girl liking the cutest senior in their school. It happened to you at one point of your life, I’m sure. And I think it is one of the best quality of this film. It was reality driven. And as Nam’s and Shone’s love story unfolds, we also see some struggles with Nam’s friendship and family.
I can totally recommend it. It’s one of those movies that will really touch you. HAHA!

“All of us have someone hidden in the bottom of our hearts. And when we think of him, we always feel a little pain inside…but we still want to keep him.”

I think I’ve finished walking through the whole series. Sorry for the mega duper spoiler!!!!
But now, I’ll just spam you with a lot of awesome pictures!
Couple pictures of the most adorable couple!

Here’s my new baby daddy, Mario Maurer!

And then, the beautiful Baifern Pimchanok (Don’t expect me to remember her name)
I'm still trying to digest the fact that Nam started out looking like that to gorgeousness...
Yesh, that's the same person. I couldn't believe the transformation either! Fern is 18 years old but in the movie, she looked like 12! The magic of make-up!

NOTE: I want to emphasize that Fern is not just plain beauty. If you see the movie yourself, you would be at awe by how effective she portrayed her character. I was deceived the whole time until the last part. How she managed to adapt a young girl’s gesture and expressions were outstanding. It was as if seeing the character Nam, grow. Not only was her character impressive, even Mario was golden! And the supporting characters are very much loved as well! The casting was so perfect!
And one more thing before I end this spam, an inspirational message at the end of the movie. So heartfelt…

“All of us have someone who is hidden in the bottom of our heart when we think of him we will feel like umm!! Always feel a little pain inside, but we still want to keep him even though, I don’t know where he is today, what he is doing but he is the one who makes me know this”


I super love Teacher In!